Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happenings in Maryland...

Playroom downstairs.
Zoe's room and she is finally in a crib!
Hope's half of the room-with her very own bed.
Gracie's side of the room-with her own bed too!
An unpacked kitchen-thanks Becky M!

So lots has been going on and I think that this is just the beginning of a very busy next 10 months....

After having an earthquake last Tuesday, the rest of the week was filled with reports of Hurricane Irene coming. We even had an automated message from the electric company telling us to prepare for power outages for 2-3 days. So just to be cautious, we did buy some bottled water and candles and tied down some loose things outside. Well, we got our hurricane last night which amounted to some moderate winds and moderate rain. We did spend about an hour cleaning up leaves and branches, but it was mostly anticlimatic here, anyways.

We did get out this week for our first official fieldtrip. We spent a few hours at the Gettysburg battlefields and museums. We all learned a lot and hopefully there will be many more learning fieldtrips this year.

We had some kickoff events for our PC year and I don't think I can describe how cared for we are feeling out here. They have gone way beyond the extra mile. Here is just one of many examples already. We had our orientation yesterday. When we pulled up to the church, they had people waiting to valet park our cars. When we picked them up, every car had been detailed inside and out!

Other events this week included orientation to our new homeschool co-op, a PC ladies luncheon, Hope's handbell choir concert, and introduction of the new PC class to the church.

I posted a couple pictures of our house, in case anyone was interested in seeing where we are living...

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