We have had a full several weeks since last posting. My family minus my brother visited for 6 days. We enjoyed lots of time together, went into D.C twice as well as the Great Falls of the Potomac River on the Maryland side. While in D.C we visited The Spy Museum, Air and Space Museum, and took a White House Tour. We didn't see the Obama's, but we did see their dog, Bo.
Two weeks after they left, our pastor's from Minnesota along with their wives were here for the pastor's conference. Pastor Scott and Angela stayed with us and we were able to enjoy some time with them. Angela and I went to D.C. to see the American History Museum. It was a perfect day for walking outside and enjoying Starbucks coffee and a few laughs. The pastor's conference was great and we heard some good messages. We have been incredibly blessed with a care group that has "adopted" us for the time we are out here and they provided babysitting so we could attend the 3 day conference.
A week after they left, our good friend Becky came to visit for 9 days and what a blessing that was! The girls, of course, got out of most of their school so we could enjoy time with her. We added more field trips to our growing list including a tavern in a house from the 1700's which also had a hidden room that was part of the underground railroad (very cool!), a Civil War wax museum, D.C. National Zoo, Union Station, and the Postal Museum. We enjoyed a quiet Thanksgiving here at home with her. Becky and I squeezed in a couple movies and went Black Friday shopping. That was a crazy night which involved observing a couple fights at Walmart and some lady having to go the hospital after being knocked unconscious.
Three weeks after that which is now only a week away, we are flying to Minnesota for Christmas break. Whew. Between all that, we are trying hard to keep up with school, maintain the household, and make time for fellowship and community with friends. Ken is doing great in school, managing his time well, and balancing family and school in a worthy manner.
In the midst of all our busyness, the one constant is God's faithfulness. He is faithful to His word, His promises, His kindess, and His unconditional love.
Below are some pics of the past couple months.
Thank you to all who continue to pray for us. It is felt and appreciated!
Hopefully, we will see some of you soon!