Monday, September 6, 2010

Biding My Time

Time is ticking and it is exactly 28 days from today that we will meet our little one. The C-section is scheduled for October 4 at 8am. Although I am getting a bit uncomfortable now, I am looking forward to this last month of spending quality time with the girls and getting into a good school routine.

Some may know or not know that we took care of a newborn this summer through the foster care system. She came at 3 weeks (born 4 weeks premature) and left at 3 months which was just over a week ago. Let me tell you, this added responsibility made the summer and last couple months of pregnancy zoom by! It was so exhausting, but God's grace was sufficient in our times of need. Although we just went through the whole newborn stage and get to do it all again in a month, I don't think we would have changed it. We got to see a little baby begin to thrive, hopefully planted some seeds in the parents, and if nothing else, we get to pray for little Lindsay and her well-being and salvation for the rest of our lives. It was a sad sad day to let her go, but thankfully we have a sovereign God in whom we can take comfort. It looks like we may be involved in the mom and baby's life in some capacity, but we just don't know what that will look like yet.

I say all that to say I am thankful for this month of relative rest before we do it all over again. Except this time, this baby doesn't have to leave.

Be encouraged that we serve a sovereign God and we can rest in His ordained plans over our lives.

For His glory,