Friday, February 19, 2010

Gladness for Sorrow Today!

God is so kind. This has been a really long week waiting for today's ultrasound, even longer than the wait to see if we were even pregnant. I thought for sure I had miscarried and so this week was filled with lots of emotion. The pregnancy symptoms I had been feeling completely disappeared this past week-all of them. This is what happened last time I miscarried. So I went to the ultrasound this morning with little hope and was completely shocked and once again amazed at our amazing God. There was a perfect little heartbeat that became immediately visible as soon as the ultrasound head was placed on my stomach. The technician was surprised at how quickly and easily it was to see. So today my tears of sorrow are now tears of joy. I still cannot believe it. I am once again humbled and brought low because this great God cares for us so. May all glory be brought to God whether in times of sadness or in times of joy. Today is a day of joy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thoughts Today

We will be having a second ultrasound on Friday. The great thing about embryo transfers is you get to have all these extra ultrasounds. And what mom doesn't like to see pictures of their growing babies? Medical technology is amazing. Anyways, this ultrasound is to hear the heartbeat! It will also be a mile marker for me because this will mean that I get to stop taking one of the medications that is helping me maintain this pregnancy. Since this is not a natural pregnancy, my body is essentially being tricked into thinking it is pregnant through medication until my body will take over for itself. So that will be an exciting moment. What will really be exciting is when I don't have to have daily shots (in about 6 more weeks)!

I have to admit though that I am feeling a little anxious about miscarrying. Perhaps it is because I have miscarried twice before or maybe I am questioning whether I am doing everything "right" with following the protocol for a frozen embryo transfer or wondering if there is something more I should be doing. Again, I have to go back to the fact that God is sovereign. He knows all things, He ordains all things, and His plans are not thwarted because of my worries. So I will rest in the words that Job spoke to God and let them be my words to God, "I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted." Job 42:2

To God be all the glory.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Ultrasound!

Well, we had our first ultrasound last week. It was a 5 week ultrasound to basically determine the number of babies. Hope, Gracie, and Krista (our foster daughter), all got to come with me, so we could find out at the same time. The blood tests showed hormone levels going up nicely and indicated one baby for sure, but were not high enough to say multiples. The ultrasound showed a single pregnancy. I am so incredibly thankful that we were blessed with another baby, but I am not going to lie. I was a little disappointed. Though it would be a ton more work for us, I was hoping for the sake of this baby that there would be a twin. Hope and Gracie are going to be so much older than him or her, that I, in my finite mind, think it would be better to have another sibling to grow up with. But you know what? God is sovereign and if this is what is in His plan, who am I to question it? Aren't His plans always better than ours? Doesn't He know us better and love us more and know the plans that are already laid out for our lives and for this baby's life. So I will rest in that fact His plan is perfect, mine is not, and He will be glorified. I have a feeling that this is a year where I will have to be reminded often of His sovereignty in and over all things. God is good!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hope's Journal Entry

Hope and Gracie have journals that they write in about once per week for school. I give them something to write about and then they can say whatever they want. So today I had them write about the news of the baby or babies. We told them about it yesterday (how we adopted embryos, that three were transferred into me, etc.) and then went to the store so they each could pick out a blanket for the baby. Hope, our analytical one, asked all kinds of questions throughout the day and kept saying she was in shock.

This is Hope's journal entry (edited for spelling). I thought it was cute and I didn't even know she knew the word estimate.

Mommy and Daddy went to California and Mommy and Daddy adopted triplets. And Mommy had to grow them in her tummy. We found out yesterday. And she has to get shots every day until they are at least 12 weeks. My estimate is 2 babies survive-and 1 boy and 1 girl. And if all three survive, I don't have an estimate for that because well, I don't know. I can't wait till Mommy has the baby or babies. I want to know what they are.


The clinic called today and said the numbers looked good! She also said that the numbers indicated a single birth. However, it will be more definite over the next week as they repeat the blood test and do an early ultrasound next week. God is good!


I had the blood test done today and the lab said they probably would not have the results until late today or tomorrow. That was a disappointment. However, I did take a pregnancy test and it was positive! We are excited about that, but I really wanted to know the numbers. I guess one more day won't kill me.