Ken started a tradition almost 20 years ago when we first started dating: he buys me an ornament every year for Christmas. When we started having children, he added them to his Christmas tradition and by the time they move out of the house, they will have a nice start to their own tree and with it lots of memories. He puts a lot of thought into it and picks an ornament that fits our personality or interests at the time or something relating to what is going on in our lives. So decorating the tree starts with opening the new ornament and putting it on the tree. There is great excitement when the girls open their boxes of ornaments from years past and remember what he gave them and why they received those particular ones. For those who know Gracie, you will not be surprised that she has several Elmo ones nor for Hope that she has various princess ones. And for me, it is perfectly fitting that I have some pertaining to chocolate! Ha ha.
So this is Zoe's first year of getting her ornament and it was pretty much a no-brainer of what she would be getting: a snowflake, of course! We are still in awe of our little snowflake and so humbled by God's kindness He lavished on us in making her a part of our family.
As you celebrate your own Christmas traditions, remember the reason we have Christmas: to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Our Savior, the One who came to this earth and lived a perfect life. Our Savior, the One who fulfilled every aspect of the Law. Our Savior, the One who was tempted in every way but remained sinless. Our Savior, the One who died on the cross as the payment for our sins. Our Savior, the One who rose again. And our Savior, the One who now sits at the right hand of the Father and intercedes on our behalf.
Merry Christmas!